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Paris – the romantic city

Paris is a city which has many things to offer – the Louvre,
the Eiffel Tower, many fashion pieces and delicious food. It possesses
a special romantic atmosphere that attracts all kinds of people from around
the world – there are artists, businessmen and many more.
If you want to learn how to say ,,I love you’’’ in all possible languages,
you should visit the ,,Wall of Love’’. It is located in Montmartre
and has confessions of love on more than 300 languages. If you are patient
enough you would certainly find one in your mother language,
which will be a very pleasant experience for you.
Make sure to have breakfast in one of the local cafes. If you are bored
of eating in the hotel, get up early and go to one of the
many cafes to start a day with a tasty breakfast and a hot cup of French coffee.
You can even try the very famous croissants to feel even more French.
Find an intimate place in the most romantic park of the city. If you want to
chill after a long day on the busy streets of France,
you should go to the Buttes Chaumont park, which is situated in
the northeastern part of Paris. This part is actually one
of the most impressive and largest parks within the city.
the city – one of the largest and most impressive parks of Paris.
You can walk on the romantic bridges, enjoy the green hills and the scenery
lakes and streams, watch the animals in the park and
all in all have a wonderful time.

There is a thing that is a classic when you are in Paris – getting lost.
And no, that doesn’t mean literally getting lost but just
going out without knowing where are you going. That is one of the most romantic
things to do in the City of Love – Paris. Leave your map at the hotel room,
leave even your phone there. You will eventually find a familiar
place and return safely at the hotel. Grab a taxi, tell the driver to take you
to some interesting place and just wait. You will discover
things you haven’t seen before and you will feel free from everything.
Another activity that would be very pleasant to be felt is going to a picnic.
You can choose whether it is a lunch picnic of picnic
in the evening – the decision is yours. The second one is, of course, more romantic
so if you are in Paris with your loved one, this activity would be
very fun for both of you. Grab a rug, a blanket or anything like that,
grab a couple of croissants and go to the park
to spend the rest of your day.
10:24 AM | 0 comments | التعليقات

Family Issues part 6

In part 5 we discuss the most important point is that trust. In this part I would like to talk about sincerity , this is will be my fifth tip.

I don’t why people tend to find lie is the easiest way for not having trouble.What I believe is we should all be honest about what we feel ,says, doing, actions ,as well as honest about ourselves.

Lies after lies will make distances bigger over and over, hearts will be broken, torn apart because this is the most destructive weapon for women and men alike.

I will admit something that in my Arabic Culture ,men as well as women for most of them tend to lie to each other to feel free, relaxed, having no problem to discuss any of their problems ,desires,dreams,for even for going out ,it is like that men tend to be aggressive with their decisions that led women for quick option is that lie to them ,make them feel that their manhood is not abused by women.

In relationships both partners have to lie to each other so ship will move forward ,not losing each other for whim or desire to be with some one else.I always found that men are selfish, moody ,arrogant ,but not all of them .this apply on most of them .why I feel that universe is changeable with different values, motions, because I always believe that life is changeable.

I want from each partner to hide truth not lie if possible as it will save someone`s life.not for everything sometimes to satisfy our desires ,called it privacy ,as I always believe in privacy ,but when it comes to have possessed partner things will be complicated and consequences might be worse.

Should partners be honest, sincere ,loyal ---etc ,have good ethics with each other to move on in their lives and make their happiness together ,because when you share your feelings, miseries, success, happiness with your partner,half of heavy burden has been removed.
9:40 AM | 0 comments | التعليقات

Family Issues part 5

In this part I will discuss fourth tip for husbands and wives, so trust is my theme for this article as it is the most important thing in our life is trust.

I would say that trust has many entrances as well as many meanings in our life . Trust means to give the person you trust all faith, loyalty, sincerity, honesty, as well as your soul.

What I found these days that we can`t find the right person to trust as partners tend to hide things from each other , because the other person may feel depressed from knowing bitter truth , such frankness hurts.

For me frankness means to be open and truthful in front of the person you choose to be your match , the same person you choose to complete your whole life, but the bitter truth is that we found dishonest ,this is not apply to all for most people ,you cant find the real person to trust these days as materialistic world dominates ,maybe you find it silly or nonsense and would say how come this has nothing to do with materialistic world ,I would explain it in my own words and say jealousy besides envy make human beings are blind ,they break trust when it comes to one`s interest.

For example, partners when one is more successful than the other especially in marriage ,men can`t endure the idea that women are more successful in different positions ,have the ability to be powerful, successful, this means for most men the loss, disability to dominate ,depression , as well as not highly self-esteem .

So the conclusion that some men tend to be more aggressive ,break the trust of their wives ,tried to break their success ,achievements,to depress their wives ,let them down to reach their goals and to dominate.

I would recommend that trust is very very important to build secure, strong, fortitude family ,it is all about trust between family members ,we should believe and trust our God first,then to trust our family if they deserve it. If not it is another story everything will be irritated ,dull and not comfortable.

Finally,we should choose the right person to trust as these days things become more complicated and changeable.(To be Continued).
9:27 AM | 0 comments | التعليقات

Family Issues Part 4

In family issues part 3, I mentioned true story to support my tips and advices for partners. In this part I will talk about third tip for each partner.

Third tip, not be ingratitude I found that both husbands as well as wives are not gratitude especially when they have a fight, both of them forget the good turn from each other. This happened when one of the partners decided to leave or have a new partner (this much common in Islamic Societies) as men can have four wives,but in certain circumstances not for fun, that is when a man has a lot of money and can afford to have a second wife ,this is possible ,that is a case .In another words there must be good reasons to have multi wives.

We should be grateful for each other in all cases whether one of them likes to stay or not. We should not mention our mistakes, faults, sins, behaviors ….etc for people plus invent stories about each other to leave.

We can be more modern and just say :we are not suitable for each other ,that is all .it does not need more effort or justification for other ,I mean when one`s life is about to be ruined ,people should be his/her to last thing to worry about.

I advice all partners to think thoroughly of their problems ,try to solve them because this is not impossible , the relation between husbands and wives have to be strong enough to move on with their financial problems ,difficulties ,raising children, manage their life ….etc.

Finally, in this tip I would like to add that nobody is perfect ,we all have advantages and disadvantages either. You can not find complete person ,but we can find someone who endure to live with us ,when they have much in common in habits, qualities .lifestyle and much more.(To be Continued).
12:39 PM | 0 comments | التعليقات

Economics Home 3

I talked about last part about how we economize at home as we face financial problems in the whole world. Today, I would like to discuss how housewives can make good earnings while they are sitting at home.

First of all, many housewives are good in cooking so they can use their talent to sell food from their houses in good price. For example, pastries, desserts, different recipes all can be cooked at house.

Housewives who can`t leave their houses for reason or another, can cook food in house and have good earnings, so that housewives can make different marketing ways to promote their food to be sold to schools, institutions….etc.

Housewives also can make sewing at home plus handmade wool like dresses , hats ,skirts ,baby clothes, for decorations and so on…..

Housewives can put promote their commodities in business cards,T.V, facebook,newspaper----etc.Then,their commodities will be sold and they get benefit of this.what I believe that women are so strong and they can turn any house into heaven for most of women.

Another idea is that some women allocate certain room for hair dressing,make up, nail&body care in their house especially in urban and country side where is not enough hair saloon to cut hair many ideas in house available for housewives to make good earnings.

9:12 AM | 0 comments | التعليقات

Economics Home

In different articles we discussed how to economize in house, today I would like to discuss how we utlize from our garden,back yards,any space in house to plant vegetables and fruits.

We all know that many vegetables and fruits can be grown in home`s garden, and back yards if we plant them in better environment suitable to what we decide to plant.

First of all, if we plant potatoes, tomatoes ,mint, parsley ,eggplant, aubergines ,cucumber,water melon, lemon, olive, pears, fig, onions …..etc.

How much money do you save if you plant these fantastic ,useful food in your garden. I prefer to eat an apple directly from tree ,how delicious fruit!

Try this in your garden and turn it to heaven plus a useful garden to eat from different types of food ,get different variety of vegetables and fruits.

Finally, you can see the difference when you get what you want from your precious garden ,things will be fine and great.
3:29 AM | 0 comments | التعليقات

How to economize in house 2

Home economics is very important in our life because it saves a lot for housewives and employed mothers as well.

I would like to talk about how to use left food when we finish our meals most people tend to throw food in rubbish bin, instead of putting it in fridge ,we save much money plus time ,for example if you eat French fries and you have a little left don’t throw it seal it closely ,then put it in freezer when you decide to cook chicken and onion in tray you can you use those potatoes ready to cook .

Another example when you have bread left you can use the left bread in salad , but you should fry them ,then put it with different types of salads.

In Arabic countries or Mediterranean countries use cooked yoghurt or buttermilk in most recipes like Mansaf which is traditional food in Jordan , Jordanian cooked it in invitations and ceremonies', if you have much or less buttermilk you can put it in freezer and cook it later by adding Potatoes cubes and onion with magi chicken stocks plus spices you like.

I highlighted on left food ,now I like to discuss left fruits ,let us suppose that you have good quantity of fruit left after you peeled them to your kids or guests ,then what to do first of all you should cut them into small pieces and put them in blender ,after that you will have a nice, delicious and useful cocktail ,another tip for left fruit is to make fruit salad which is useful, healthy as well as delicious.

Some people have places for chicken, rabbits, cats ,dogs …..etc. you can feed them healthy food by serving them left food you have like chicken, meat, rice, and so on ,it is the food you eat ,it is not important to spend thousands of Dollar or any other currency to feed pets ,if they are living with you or not .try this and you will find the big difference in budget.
5:09 AM | 0 comments | التعليقات